Canine College Public Access Test

Disclaimer: We primarily train light Mobility, Psychiatric Service Dogs as well as Seizure Response Dogs.


Please fill in our online questionnaire, download, print, and carefully complete the Training Agreement and Liability Waiver below. If you don’t have a printer, you’re welcome to stop in during normal training hours (see above) and pick up a print copy of our enrollment packet.


Dog should not exceed two and a half years of age and has to pass the initial evaluation. Your dog has to go through Basic Obedience, Advanced Obedience and pass a Temperament Test before he/she can go through our Public Access Test.

servicedogsAmount of Training: a “Canine College” Service Dog requires a minimum of 250 hours of training over the period of at least 10 months or more. At least 35 hours should be devoted to public outings to prepare the dog to work in public settings obediently.

Obedience Training and Basic Manners:  your Service Dog must master the following skills:

  • Sit (under any distractions)
  • Down (under any distractions)
  • Stand
  • Stay
  • Come (including a dropped leash recall)
  • Heel
  • Place (tucking under a chair, table, or anywhere else in public)
  • Most of all a Service Dog should have manners
  1. No aggressive behaviors towards animals or humans meaning: no fear aggression, no biting, reactivity, snarling, snapping, growling or lunging at them while working in public settings.
  2.  Your dog shouldn’t solicit any food nor pets from people while being on the job.
  3. Your dog should ignore any food on the ground, or dropped within the vicinity of the dog while working in a public setting
  4. Your dog should not sniff people, intrude another dogs space nor sniff any merchandise in public
  5. Your dog should be well socialized and not show any fear of lights, sounds or sudden changes while in a public setting
  6. No unnecessary unruly behaviors or vocalization while working in a public setting, your dog must be able to work calmly on a leash without being a nuisance.
  7. No urinating or pooping unless you specifically take the dog for a potty break

Task Training: Your dog must be individually trained to perform at least 3 identifiable tasks on command, hand signal or cue that directly mitigates your disability i.e. retrieving, two way hearing alert, blocking, guiding, medical alert, seizure response etc.
Spontaneous behavior or Emotional Support is not considered a task. Your dog must be reliably trained to exhibit an individually trained task.

Training Records: You will have to keep Training Records to track your hours. Training Records can be downloaded here:  Public Access Training Log

Training Tools: You are allowed to train and test with the training tool of your choice.